What am I doing now? - Websites: * [ELE](https://learningexecutive.com) * [Twin Image](http://staging.twinimagedesign.com/) - Spring 2020 Teaching Assistant: * [ ITMD 361 | Fundamentals of Web Development](https://dkriegls.github.io/itmd-361-spring2020/) * [ ITMD 362 | Human-Computer Interaction and Web Design](https://dkriegls.github.io/itmd-362-spring2020-w/) - Classes In Progress: * [ ITMD 514 | Progrmming for Data Analytics ( R/Python )](https://blackboard.iit.edu/ultra/courses/_103995_1/cl/outline) | Syllabus - This course will introduce essential programming concepts and techniques used in analytics. - Students will learn and make use of industry standard programming languages widely used in application programming for data and statistical analysis as well as other purposes. - Students will understand and use various libraries for data manipulation, preparation, and analysis, - and will be equipped to use the programming languages covered in real world scenarios and circumstances upon completion. * [ITMD 521 | Big Data ( Spark / Hadoop )](https://blackboard.iit.edu/ultra/courses/_103996_1/cl/outline) | Syllabus - This course covers both concepts and practical applications of distributed data paradigms. - This provides a comparison between SQL and MapReduce. - The course focuses on how to treat and prepare unstructured data to be used in the MapReduce framework in a parallel fashion. - Students will be tasked with learning and demonstrating the MapReduce framework through implementing the Hadoop framework and associated Java technology. * [ITMD 526 | Data Warehousing](https://blackboard.iit.edu/ultra/courses/_103999_1/cl/outline) | Syllabus - This course will introduce the student to concepts needed for successfully designing, building and implementing a data warehouse. - The class will provide the technological and managerial knowledge base for data modeling approaches such as the star schema and database de-normalization issues. - Topics such as loading the warehouse, performance considerations, and other concepts unique to the data warehouse environment will be discussed demonstrated in detail. --- PREVIOUSCoursicle